Books, Readers and Libraries in Fiction
This volume explores the depiction of books, libraries and reading in fiction from the medieval period to the present. Its varied case studies address common themes such as gender, genre and the relation between reading and writing itself and examine what fictional representations of reading tell us about changing cultural attitudes to different reading practices.
Background image: ‘Dr. Syntax with a Blue Stocking Beauty’ (1820). From The Third Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of a Wife. Etcher: Thomas Rowlandson; Publisher: Rudolph Ackermann. The Minnich Collection The Ethel Morrison Van Derlip Fund, 1966. Public Domain.
- isbn9781913739102
- publisherUniversity of London
- publisher placeLondon
- restrictions
- rights© the Authors 2025
- rights holderthe Authors
- rights territoryWorld
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