Cultural Worlds of the Jesuits in Colonial Latin America

by Linda A. Newson

The volume demonstrates the diversity of Jesuit contributions to Latin American culture. They pioneered an interest in indigenous languages and cultures, compiling dictionaries and writing some of the earliest ethnographies of the region. They also explored the region’s natural history and made significant contributions to the development of science and medicine. This volume is unique in considering not only the range of Jesuit activities but also the diversity of perspectives from which they may be approached. It includes papers from scholars of history, linguistics, religion, art, architecture, music, medicine and science.

Background image: Mappa Geographica exhibens Provincias, Oppida, Sacella &c quae Mensibus Novembri ac Decembri anni 1751 et ... anni 1752 peragravit ad Indorum Chilensium terras... Hieronymus Strübel, 1777. Courtesy of John Carter Brown Library.
