Unite, Proletarian Brothers!

Radicalism and Revolution in the Spanish Second Republic

by Matthew Kerry

Weaving together a range of everyday disputes and arenas of conflict, from tenant activism to strikes, boycotts to political violence, Unite, Proletarian Brothers! reveals how local cleavages and conflicts operating within the context of the Spanish Second Republic (1931-6) and interwar Europe explain the origins, development and consequences of the Asturian October. The book sheds new light on the longdebated process of ‘radicalization’ during the Second Republic, as well as the wider questions of protest, revolutionary politics and social and political conflict in inter-war Europe.

Background image: adapted from ‘Aprieta fuerte, compañero! [Squeeze tightly, comrade!]’ (1936) by Germán Horacio Robles for the Interprovincial Council of Asturias and León. Reproduced with the permission of the Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies.
