Living with Machines

Computational Histories of the Age of Industry

by Ruth AhnertEmma GriffinJon LawrenceThe Living with Machines Team

Living With Machines is a data-driven history of the coming of the machine age in Britain in the long nineteenth century. Featuring an innovative open access edition enhanced with interactive maps, datasets and visualisations, digital notebooks, video, audio and images, this book harnesses the combined power of massive digitised historical collections and computational analytical tools to examine the ways in which technology altered the very fabric of human existence on a hitherto unprecedented scale.

Early access chapters

These early access chapters are available to view while undergoing open review. Please note that these chapters have not yet been copyedited.

Suggested citation format: [Chapter authors], [‘Chapter title’]. To be published in Living With Machines: Computational Histories of the Age of Industry edited by Ruth Ahnert, Emma Griffin, Jon Lawrence. Written by the Living With Machines Team. University of London Press. [Pre-review version]. Available from [Date accessed].

Early access

Recent Activity

  • Text Added

    Links in the chain

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    Analysing the language of mechanisation in nineteenth-century British newspapers

  • Text Added

    Authorship and Credit Statement

  • Resource Added

    Figure 3.1

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    Figure 3.18

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    Figure 3.14
